Ford Ecosport commercial I DoP'd for director formerly known as Andy Soup >> The great Andy Seaton! Bullet time across 40 GoPros in one shot!
Skateboarder Madars Apse and professional freerunner Dimitris Dk' Kyrsanidis appear and fellow pro freerunner Katie Mcdonnell and BMX star Kriss Kyle also dropped in for the shoot.
The call was made to use 40 GoPros on a technocrane on the back of a tracking vehicle in Barcelona that next weekend whilst in the pub on a Friday night. I spent the weekend designing a frame that could carry said GoPros only by googling photos of a Scorpio stabilized head off the internet. Loren Colson, Clara Bennett and Jessica Ensor worked their butts off getting it fabricated and shipped to Barcelona in time as well as pulling together the other million moving parts. We would have made the frame in Spain but the whole of Spain was on holiday. Needless to say.... This had never been done before and it was tense. That was before even trying to pull the shot off! These guys did an amazing job hurtling themselves at the camera system and successfully pulling off their stunts time after time again.
Tyler Johnson was our sports action filming specialist and GoPro expert from @gopro. A man that knows every trick and every angle.
TimeSlice Films came and sorted us with the proprietory super tech Joe Steel @joe_vfx came and did his timeslice magic with Max Barlow @maxbarlowbts and Adam Spring
Twenty Four Seven TV did an amazing job producing on the ground for Content Haus / GTB and H&K STRATEGIES Mark Taylor
Service Vision provided the most amazing grips and off course their amazing Scorpio Stabilized head